The qualities of this “superfruit”
Although the Acai Berry is only about an inch long, it packs a punch when it comes to health benefits. This is mainly due to the antioxidants that are present within the fruit. Research has shown that the antioxidant activity within the Acai Berry may help preventing many diseases as well provide significant weight loss and increased energy levels.
As for what makes it so healthy, it is because of flavonoids and anthocyanins. These are very powerful antioxidants that defend the body against stressors. They also play a very important role in protecting the body’s cells. This coincides with the fact that eating foods that are high in antioxidants can fight the aging process and make you look and feel even younger.
How to benefit from the Acai Berry
There are several ways you can benefit from the Acai Berry. You can eat the berry, drink the juice, or you can take a supplement in capsule form that is 100% natural. For instance, a capsule from PureAcaiBerry contains 1500mg of pure Acai and packs all of the benefits that you need and then some. You only need 1000mg to see a difference in how you feel, but with 1500mg, you are certainly getting what you need and a little more in order for you to be able to really experience the health benefits that Acai Berry has to offer.
You’ll notice that you have more energy and that you can lose weight faster than you would with a regular diet and exercise. If you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure, those may come down as well. This is a fruit that everyone should enjoy and capsule form makes it easier and quicker to take.
Visit www.PureAcaiBerry.com to experience the best of Acai Berry!