Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Weight Loss with Pineapple

Pineapple is low in calories, high in fiber and contains a bit of water. The fiber in it helps digestion and burns more calories than it contains during the digestive process.
Incorporate pineapples into your diet instead of eating them. Put few pieces on your plate with your meal or make a fruit cocktail.
Mix up pineapple milkshakes with some milk and crushed ice, blend it in a blender, then drink.
Try it for three days to a week and see if you find any results from eating it all day long. Do not make yourself sick. Stop immediately if you feel unwell.
A slice of pineapple has 40 calories and no fats the heat of this fiber fruit helps in burning excess fats.
Pineapples have vitamin C and pectin. These components are a sure protection for the stomach against bloating it means they purely help in better digestion.
Eat only fresh pineapples rather than the already cut available in tins.
The biggest benefit of adding pineapple to your diet is that you'll be eating a healthy food packed with nutrients and energy without the unwanted fat.